Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Forest Monster

Here's one I did last year. 

I believe I found this one at a Goodwill.  I like the mouth on this guy.  This painting was a struggle to finish, but it was an oasis of artistic outlet during a lull in the creative process.  I'm currently juggling five projects inbetween experimenting with making stencils, so right now it just seems there aren't enough hours in the day.  I've got two empty landscapes, a seascape, two people who have requested portraits of themselves as zombies, and a local art show this weekend.  Not enough hours in the day.


  1. Chris.... you're on to something here. You should consider selling these... I'd buy one, they rock!


  2. I would also buy one! So much would be awesome to hang this in my formal living room just to see the double takes!

  3. Forest Fond’i ajalugu ulatub 2009. aastasse, mil ettevõte hakkas Eestis tegelema metsakinnistute ostmisega. Forest Fond laiendas oma tegevust 2013. aastal, kui hakati ostma ka põllumaid. Tegemist on Eesti erakapitalil põhineva ettevõttega, mille eesmärk on varuda ja hallata metsa- ja põllumaad. Forest Fond ei tegele ostetud maade edasimüügiga, vaid aitab suurematel Eesti maaomanikel, ettevõtetel ja fondidel hallata nende metsamajandust paremini, olles hea partner kõigile oma koostööpartneritele.
    metsa ost
